These are the horrible things we do. We adopt words into our vocabulary, we add artists to our favorite lists on profiles, we rent movies that we otherwise wouldn't have rented. We watch these movies, naively expecting a phone call during the screening. Nevermind that it is a Friday night, and there is no way that he knows your husband is gone for the weekend, and nevermind that you KNOW for a fact that he and the new GIRL have attended a concert of one of your favorite bands earlier in the evening, which is by the way, composed of several of your mutual friends...... despite all of these things, you really think he will call. And then. The title of this blog should point you in the direction I go next... The despicable side comes out. You call the number. You log into his voice mail. You have done this much, much earlier in the evening-- maybe the afternoon? And you have noted he has two new messages. You hung up then, thinking, "hm." Profound, I know. You also (is this ...
Movin on up...